Correlation between nurse-patient interaction and readiness to care for post-treated heart failure patients in the intensive care room Malang, Indonesia
  • Alfrina Hany
    School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.
  • Ratih Arum Vatmasari
    School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.


Background: The number of people with heart failure significantly increases every year. One of the problems associated with the increase in the number of rehospitalization patients is the inadequate knowledge of self-care. Therefore, this study aims to determine the nurse-patient interaction capable of providing adequate care to post-treated heart failure patients in intensive care rooms.

Design and Methods:
 This is a cross-sectional study with the consecutive sampling method used to obtain data from 100 post-treatment heart failure patients in intensive care rooms. PPIQ (Patient Professional Interaction Questionnaire) was used to measure nurse-patient interactions, while Self-care readiness was determined using the SCHFI (Self-Care Heart Failure Instrument).

The result showed that there is a significant correlation between nurse-patient interactions and their readiness to care for post-treatedeart failure patients in intensive care . Furthermore, both variables have a moderate and positive correlation strength and with a correlation coefficient value of 0.557.

The yearly increase in the number of re-hospitalized patients in hospitals can be reduced with an increase in nurse-patient interaction. This enables patients to have the ability to take proper care of themselves after leaving the hospital.


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